November 01, 2007

The Soul

The SOUL is the most valuable thing in the world,..but how many of us neglect it. How many of you never even think of it....until its too late.

Jesus said there are 2 roads in life. A broad road and a narrow road. The broad road leads to destruction, and the narrow road leads to eternal life.
And you are on one or the other tonight.

You can change roads. You can choose.

One soul, is worth the whole world. You may gain the whole world, and wake up one morning to find that you’ve missed the most important thing of all,…you’ve missed getting your soul right with God.

God has made a plan to save you. To save your soul. That’s why Jesus Christ came to die on the cross and rise from the dead. You and I are sinners. We deserve death. But that’s allllll been taken care of on the cross.

Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. To redeem man’s soul. A man’s soul is more important than the body, more important than money, or where we live, or the standard of living we have.

Re-evaluate your life, and turn to Him while there’s still time. Your soul is the most valuable thing you possess, and you have the power of choice.
Jesus Christ died so that you might have life…fully and completely.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is very, very deep. I appreciate how he doesn't beat around the bush, but really makes us think and evaluate our lives. I also really like that picture... it fits perfectly.