September 06, 2007

Give us Hill Country!

Joshua chapter 14..... its a great great scene: Joshua has just led the Israelites (God's chosen people) into the promised land and have defeated the major enemy stronghold, Jericho, by the hand of God.

And now they gone in and have settled and taken out the other major enemy strongholds in the land. And now its come time that they get to divvy up the loot,...they get to carve up the lands and divide it among the Israelites.

So that day arrives, and of course the young guys,...the tired warriors,..they want it easy now. They've been fighting, its been kind of hard, and they want some nice….loamy...calm...complacent......pastureland. Land that hardly requires work to live on. They’re in there, pleading with Joshua, trying to get their piece of the best land.

Then Caleb shows up.

Listen to this....starting at verse 6:
And Caleb says to Joshua,... "You know what the LORD said to Moses, about you and me? Way back, when I was 40 years old, when Moses sent me to explore the Promised Land,...I brought him back a report according to my convictions. But my cowardly brothers who went up with me made the hearts of the people melt with fear,...I, however followed the LORD my God whole-heartedly.
So on that day, Moses swore to me, the land on which your feet walk will be your inheritance, and that of your children forever, because you have followed the LORD my God wholeheartedly. Now then, just as the LORD promised, He has kept me alive for 45 years since the time He said this to Moses.

So here I am today…...85 years old, I’m still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out, I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now, as I was then. Now give me this hill country that the LORD promised me that day. You yourselves heard that the Annakites were there, and their cities are large and fortified….but the LORD helping me, I will drive them out just as He said.”

I come back to you now with this conviction: there are still giants out there. There’s still dangerous territory out there. And lets leave the dull pastureland to those who want pastureland.
But you and I,….I think we’re called to something greater than that. More and more, God is raising up people, people who really want to serve God through their lives, wholeheartedly and extravagantly,.. and God is using those people to accomplish great things.

LORD give the easy pastureland to somebody else,….but give us Hill Country. Give us hill country because there’s still some giants out there, and with your strength, we will drive them out, and live out the courageous life that God put is here to do in the first place!

I’m more vigorous now than the day I started.

....the wonders and miracles that God could use you for......if only you would let Him. If only you would be obedient to Him.


____________________________- Pastor M. Buchanan
