September 28, 2007

What does a Godly man look like?

God designed men to be dangerous.

Simply look at the dreams and desires written in the heart of every boy:
To be a hero, to be a warrior, to live a life of adventure and risk. Sadly, most men abandon those dreams and desires--being told that what we were made to do is this, "be a nice guy".

And the reason that most men "live lives of quiet desperation" (Thoreau) is because men have been told that the reason God put them on earth is to be a good boy. To be nice. It is no wonder that many men avoid church, and those who go are often passive and bored to death.

Now, in all your boyhood dreams growing up, did you ever dream of becoming a nice guy? Ladies, was the Prince of your dreams dashing... or merely nice? " We've taken away the dreams of a man's heart and told him to play the man."
Reference to the book: "Wild at Heart" -John Eldredge

They never taught us in sunday school, that a Christ-filled man has....courage. That a Christ-filled man looks to God for courage, and receives it. Courage from God's word. Courage from a intimate relationship with Him. The kind of courage that reminds you of fire. The brotherly courage and sacrifice of the men in "Saving Private Ryan" and "Band of Brothers", the courage of Maximus in "Gladiator", the courage William Wallace in "Braveheart."

What good is the armor of God,...if there's no WARRIOR inside? ___________________________________________________- _____________________________________________________