February 22, 2007

From the inside out

From the Inside Out
by: Mark Pouteaux

A question that I try to challenge myself, as often as I remember: Do I love God, from the inside out?
-> Am I continually surrendering to God, that He may daily transform me? 'Cuz I don't follow a religion or a set of rules or a formula. I follow HIM. But change doesn't happen overnight, it takes time, and it happens on the inside!
So what effect does my relationship with God have on my day to day life?

Phillipians chapter 1 says: "And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent, and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God."

That word "pure" means .........set apart

Set apart, for one, for only God, and nothing else. We are called to be pure of heart and mind.

Only when you let your heart be searched by God, can you fully see what your heart is like!
So,..pray constantly. Pour out your prayer.
Have confidence in God, God is the one doing wonders, its your choice of whether or not you want to be a part of what He is doing in this broken and dying world.
Don't guilt others, love them, want the very best for them. God saved us out of a burning love for us. Show that to others.

Don't compromise your morality, or your faith. Stand up and step up to what God says is excellent. God is going to finish what He began in you. Do not obstruct with what God wants to do, in you, and in this world.

"Lord make me like you, give me a heart like yours, to love what you love, and to hate what you hate."


February 20, 2007


It takes a whole lifetime,..to live a life

-Lawrence Jensen

February 17, 2007

Suffering and Hardship

Suffering and Hardship
by John Fischer

There are two schools of thought when it comes to the problem of pain. One says: “Sometimes the going will get tough, and in those times you need to remember that your faith will get you through and something good will come out of hardship. Hang in there, this will soon be over.” The other would be: “Get use to it. Pain, suffering, and hardship are necessary for growth. They will be constant companions to those who desire to know and love God deeply. Get ready for the long haul. If you’re feeling good and life is relatively painless, that’s the abnormal experience, not the norm. Enjoy it, but don’t expect it.”

Now I don't know about you, but most will admit they don't like suffering very much. In fact, most people will try to completely ignore suffering or deny it.
But reality is like fine wine, children won't like it."
-Donald Miller

The other perspective is much more in keeping with reality and the belief that our real purposes go way beyond this life and this present darkness. It is a perspective that expects hardship and pain to be a part of the day-to-day program. If we are waiting for anything, we are waiting for eternity with Christ, not for everything to get better here on earth. We have learned that trials are such an integral part of our growing life in Christ that we even welcome trouble when it comes our way, because we know that by it, our faith is found worthy of being tested and our endurance will have a chance to grow (James 1:2-3).

“Grace must wound you, before it can heal you.” — Flannery O’Conner

February 15, 2007

Do I give generously, or spend greedily?

It kinda makes me feel guilty to think of how we don't even hesitate when it comes to buying something for ourselves.

Stuff like a new shirt, new watch, new sunglasses, a new cd, or the latest gadget.
But when it comes to giving time or money to a good cause, or to charity, or to church, we don't want to, we think our money is too precious to be given away to those things. To think that we've worked too hard for it, and we can do with it what we want, besides, its our money right,......No. Not at all.

Everything that we have, we should give God all the praise and the glory.

Think about this..... How many times do we thank God, just for our health???

Are you thankful for what God has blessed you with? Before you go on complaining about your coat zipper breaking, or gas prices, or complaining about doing chores and homework,
We need to get down on our knees and thank God for all of our many blessings, like family, our health, a home to live in, food to eat, freedom,... and give God all the glory and all the praise.

"....Rejoice in every good thing which thy Lord thy God hath given unto thee."
-Deuterouomy 26:11

Have you thought to thank Him recently? Do you feel that the good things which you enjoy are accidental and through some effort of your own:

Who gives you the power and wisdom and strength to get gain? Acknowledge the hand of God in your life now that it may be well with you in the future.
"Let every thing that has breath, praise the Lord."


February 13, 2007

A true joy in life

“This is a true joy in life, being used for a purpose, a purpose that you recognize as being a Mighty one, becoming a force of the kingdom; instead of a feverish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy."

-George Bernard Shaw

February 12, 2007

Amazing Grace (history behind the song)

In 1748-49, John Newton was first-mate on the slave trade ship named Brownlow. After survivng a horrific storm and suffering from the effects of a violent fever, he threw himself totally on the mercy of God.

Later in life he became an Anglican minister and wrote the song "Amazing Grace."

The lyrics are based on 1 Chronicles 17:16,
John Newton was also a strong mentor to a man named "William Wilberforce" who spent five decades successfully working for the abolition of slavery in the British Empire.

For more info:

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. organized a massive march on Washington, DC, on August 28, 1963.

On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, he gave a speech, a speech which forced the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The next year, King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Click the link to read the speech entitled "I Have A Dream"